Non-Comedogenic Skin Care
This might be a familiar experience. You’re in a “healthy” store such as Whole Foods looking through the skin care products just to see what’s available. You assume that because everything
is labeled as “cruelty free” and “natural” and, even, “organic” that anything you try is going to be safe for your skin. While you have occasional pimples, you know those are more due to hormonal changes and stress than any particular skin condition. You don’t have skin that tends to be oily or dry. You aren’t aware of any particular ingredient that you are allergic to. Since it’s coming on to summer you think you might want to try a healthier sunscreen. You are thoughtful in your selection because you care about the health of your body and your skin.
You read labels, impressed by the list of vegetable-based ingredients, cruelty-free claims, words like natural and organic, and the use of a sun blocking ingredients that have been around a long time so the long-term effects on humans are well-known. You buy the product and on the first summer day that you get to spend hours outdoors instead of being stuck in the home or office, you smooth on the wonderful smelling “natural” sun block. That night you are stricken with a rash of pimples on your face like you’ve never experienced before in your life. You have no idea what happened.
Why Does Non-Comedogenic Matter?
Pimples, whether one off or in its more severe form of acne, are primarily caused by clogged pores – the small openings in your skin. Non-comedogenic skin care products are designed to not clog those pores or irritate existing pimples, while still providing skin care benefit. Non-comedogenic cleansers, for instance, clear your skin of dirt, bacteria, dead skin, and pore-clogging oils without stripping needed moisture and nutrients.
What happened in the sunscreen example above is that the label did not state that it had been tested as non-comedogenic. So while all of the ingredients and product claims were impressive, they were not complete with respect to how they might react with your skin. This labeling is important because you cannot tell if a product is non-comedogenic simply by reading ingredients because there is no one ingredient or combination of ingredients that make a product good for your pores. The finished product itself must be tested.
How Will I Know My Skin Care Product is Non-Comedogenic?
When a product has been tested as non-comedogenic this status will be on the label. Still, the word itself is not a guarantee that the skin care product will not cause you skin problems. A label of non-comedogenic is the best place to start your selection of safe and healthy lotions, cleansers, skin creams, and oils. There is, however, no regulatory standard for what non-comedogenic is tested and it is important to select brands that are known for their quality and integrity. Products lines such as Jadience have a variety of non-comedogenic skin care products made with high quality, natural ingredients in formulas based on ancient East-Asian herbal formulas and scientific studies. Since your skin deserves as much tender loving care as your insides to maintain your overall health, choose wisely and choose non-comedogenic.