M. Mingus, MD ~ NYC & Sherman, NY & CT

I want to put in a thumbs up for Jadience Herbal Muscle and Joint Kit – part of the Jadience Herbal Formulas natural product line that I use for my face patients. You take a hunk of the herb ball & form it to conform to the area of where your pain or stiffness is – for me, it is the lateral, medial & dorsal surface of my ankle. You wrap a 4X4 gauze or other kind of wrap around it (other kind of gauze, kleenex, cast sleeve) & then loosely put an ace wrap around the entire area to keep it all in place. I keep it on all night, sleep with it & don’t need to take a tylenol for sleep. In the morning, take it off with the gauze & you will see that the swelling is much decreased & it even stays down throughout the day. I find that I can really exercise my foot harder & get more flexion out of it in the morning after using the herbal wrap. It is a good adjunct to the PT, acupuncture, stretching, yoga, etc. that I am already doing.   ~ Dr. Mingus is an anesthesiologist & pain management physician & acupuncturist practicing in NYC & CT.