Prepping For New Years: How To Naturally Lose Weight and Keep it Off

Prepping For New Years: How To Naturally Lose Weight and Keep it Off

2018 is winding to a close. A lot of people across the country are now thinking up New Year’s resolutions, and for many, losing weight will be at the top of the list. Losing weight naturally is a great goal, and one that you can achieve with dedication and effort!

Unfortunately, the number of Americans who are overweight continues to grow each year, showing just how difficult it is to keep the pounds off. In fact, roughly 70 percent of Americans are obese or overweight. If you’re struggling with weight issues, you’re not alone. If you want to trim pounds, you’re also in good company as many are trying and succeeding. You can succeed as well!

Quick tip: don’t wait until New Years to get started. Start today. No, you don’t have to go on a hard diet but taking small steps, such as ordering a coffee instead of a cappuccino, is a great start and will help you build momentum towards losing weight naturally.

1. Count Your Calories

At the end of the day, the most important thing for most people is burning more calories than they consume. If you’re burning 2,000 calories per day, then you need to consume less than 2,000 calories to lose weight. If you consume more than you burn, you will continue to gain weight.

The first step is to figure out how many calories you’re consuming in a given day. You can start by keeping a food journal and writing down the calories consumed. Make sure you’re being honest with yourself.

Also, foods that are rich in fiber may curb your appetite. Further, hot drinks, such as tea, can also fill you up without adding calories (assuming you skip calorie rich additions, like milk and sugar).

2. Get Regular Exercise

Burning more calories than you consume is one of the secrets to weight loss. Cutting consumption addresses one side of the equation, but how about the other? How do you burn more calories? Quite simply, you move more. Getting out and getting exercise is a great way to lose shape, when combined with a healthy diet.

Exercise doesn’t (have to) mean hitting the track or pool While we recommend intense exercises (but only as intense as your body can handle), simply taking a walk through the park or playing fetch with Fido can make a big difference. Even walks around your yard or inside the home can help.

3. Try All Natural Weight Management Products

It’s believed that certain East Asian herbs and other all natural vitamins, herbs, and minerals can help people cut weight. The exact mechanism depends on the herb in question. Some are believed to stimulate the metabolism, others are believed to firm up skin, while still others are believed to shrink fat and expel toxins.

Check out our natural weight management formula if you want to boost your metabolism. Looking for a bit more help? Try our Weight Management Regimen.

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