Weight Management Regimens
Therapeutic 1o-Day regimen:
(Use to quickly jump-start the weight-loss process; before an important event)
1.Weight Management Formula Capsules: 3 capsules in the am & 3 capsules in the pm for 10 consecutive days.
- 1 Bottle
2. Slimming Soak: 8oz of soak for 10 consecutive days (5 bottles) or for maximum results, 16oz of soak for 10 consecutive days (10 bottles). Soak for at least 10 minutes (during the period of 10 days that the Slimming Formula is being taken). Can be taken consecutively or every other day. *Most effective when taken as a soak, but can be used in shower by simply applying the soak to the body and allowing formula to completely absorb.
- 5 or 10 Bottles
3. Slimming Patches: Apply one set of patches to specified acupoints (see Slimming Patch Directions) every day. Wear for 8-12 hours and apply new set of patches. * Allow skin to breath between applications, particularly if you have sensitive skin.
- 2 Boxes
**The above regimen can be repeated for further results.
Maintenance regimen:
(Monthly or seasonally to maintain weight, boost energy and promote a balanced appetite)
1.Weight Management Formula Capsules: 3 capsules in the pm (1 bottle = 20 day supply).
- 1 Bottle
2. Slimming Soak: Follow directions on label or take 3 – 5 bottles of soak (8oz -16oz/soak) monthly or seasonally. *Most effective when taken as a soak, but can be used in shower by simply applying the soak to the body and allowing formula to completely absorb.
- 3 or 5 Bottles
3. Slimming Patches: Apply one set of patches as needed to curb appetite and stimulate metabolism (see directions on box).
- 1 Box
Regimen Includes: