Versatility of Fang Feng in Herbal Formulas
Fang Feng, a widely known herb in Traditional Oriental Medicine, seems to be a cornucopia of biologically active natural substances that can benefit human health. Such biochemical diversity reflects the versatility of its traditional therapeutic
Insights on Skin Aging
Your skin is much more than a protective barrier. It is a vibrant, dynamic organ with a huge surface area of about 16 to 22 square feet. It plays crucial roles in regulating the excretion
Importance of Paraben-Free Skin Care
Parabens have become a worry for the ‘organic’ crowd over the past few years. Like many synthetic skin care ingredients, their use began long before anyone knew about their safety. As the information base continues
What to Do About Cellulite
If you have cellulite, you have plenty of company. At least 80-90% of women have such unwanted dimpling on their thighs, hips, or tummies. This condition is not so affectionately referred to as cottage cheese
Soothe Joints with Achyranthes
Achyranthes bidentata (Huai Niu Xi) has been an important herb in the pharmacopeia of Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries. It is frequently used in Yang tonic formulations for a variety of health benefits. Such benefits
Clay Helps with Oily Skin
Clay has a remarkable capacity to bind with many kinds of substances, including sebum. Sebum is a mixture of oily chemicals that are manufactured in special microscopic glands at the base of hair follicles and
What Really Gets Into Your Skin?
Skin is a made up of a fascinating matrix of substances that include mostly proteins, fats, and water. Skin cells of several kinds have the task of managing this matrix to keep your skin healthy
Health Benefits of UV Light
Ultraviolet (UV) light is most often thought of as a source of damage to skin. However, it also offers tremendous health benefits in the right doses. In fact, sunlight, which consists of UV and visible
Importance of Skin Exfoliation
Skin exfoliation is often thought of as an activity that you have to do to keep your skin looking youthful. However, exfoliation is also a natural process for your skin to remove its old cells
What to Do About Skin Photoaging
Is too much exposure to ultraviolet light the real enemy that drives skin aging? Many experts seem to think so. Skin aging has many components, though. Exposure to UV light is just one factor. Equally
Clematidis for Stiff Joints and More
Clematidis has been a powerful ingredient for joint health in East Asian herbal formulas for centuries. In modern times it is still an important herb that is used by therapists for arthritis pain relief. Recent
Dandelion – A Top Herb of Choice for Detox
You may think of dandelion as that annoying weed that seems impossible to eliminate from your lawn. However, this remarkable herb has a long folk medical history in many cultures throughout the world. Its versatility